Welcome to the Striley lab.
I am grateful to all the wonderful students who work with me to accomplish my research aims!
Research I’m conducting right now:
Co-Investigator on the PANDEMIC – the Program to Alleviate National Disparities in Ethnic and Minority Immunizations in the Community (Cottler LB, PI) where I’m in charge of the HealthStreet model in Florida and help all our sites implement this model. https://ufhealth.org/news/2021/uf-leads-team-ready-tackle-vaccine-skepticism-florida-and-beyond
Deputy Director of UF HealthStreet – a community engagement program at the University of Florida, employs evidence-based, community outreach practices to reduce disparities in healthcare and research. Community health workers help bridge the gap between community members and resources available to them, including medical and social services and opportunities to participate in research. CHWs provide medical and social service referrals and link community members to health research that is relevant to their health concerns and conditions. HealthStreet is located in Gainesville, FL, but reaches people all across the State of Florida. https://healthstreet.program.ufl.edu/about-2/
PI of Women Helping Women – Lung Cancer Screening. WHW= LCS implements a Community Health Worker -led intervention, using the Transtheoretical Stages of Change model to increase rates of tobacco cessation and lung cancer screenings in women. We are recruiting 60 women aged 50-80 with 20+ smoking pack-year history living within 45 miles of UF Health Shands hospital or from Duval County. Those enrolled in the standard and enhanced interventions receive referrals to services (including Tobacco Free Florida) and watch Genentech screening video. Those randomized to the enhanced intervention receive an additional 6 hours of work with a CHW over 4 weeks. The CHW helps problem solve and alleviate barriers to medical care and screening. Women are assessed at baseline and 45 days later.
Co-Investigator of NDEWS.org National Drug Early Warning System, NIDA funded (Cottler, LB PI) where I’m supervising the Virtual HealthStreet effort. We are recruiting people for anonymous web-surveys of drugs they see in their communities.
My research on kratom and Essential Tremor continue. My next study will consider the importance of ADHD and related drugs as well as chronic and impairing pain and opioid and other pain-management drug use among kratom users in the US.
I also continue to research trends in mental health (eating disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, ADHD and conduct disorder) and drug use among adolescents and college students.