All Posts by

Catherine Striley

Promise of a Just World

We all understand the value of heuristics.  They allow us to come to quick decisions without bringing every fact into consciousness.  Much like the muscle memory that makes bike riding an unforgettable ability, mental rules provide the memory of if-thens and what nows we can expect given certain circumstance, including…

Nothing lasts, and this isn’t a bad thing…

Fragility – it’s on my mind this morning as COVID-19 Omicron variant continues to gain ground and Delta continues to bring severe illness to those who haven’t been vaccinated.  Life is fleeting – regardless of how we cling to it.  Success is too – and that means so is loss…

Life at the Margins

Looking through the New York Times Best Books from the past decade, I find a book I want to read called The Places in Between by Rory Stewart (  Checking to see if our local public library has it, I come across other books about the in between,…